Are You A Risk Taker?

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Recently, I stumbled upon a sign on a door saying, “Are You A Risk Taker”? In the past years, I took too many risks with buying products to enhance my beauty or health. Even buying or selling consumer products that seemed profitable. Sometimes it pays off while many times it became another failed business venture. But then I realized how many times has God asked us to do something beyond what we think we can handle. Showing our faith in God sometimes feels risky. However, what we don’t realize it’s the safest choice we make. In the Bible, Peter stepped out of the boat and walked on water when Jesus called him. He trusted that Jesus would keep him from sinking. But as soon as he took his eyes off Jesus he began to sink. Although Jesus saved him instantly when Peter cried out, “Save me Lord”, this story teaches us that God will take us through many challenging situations where we must walk by faith. It also tells us the spirit of God will always be with us never giving us more than we can handle. When we take a risk in what God wants us to do, remember we can never fail. Peter began to sink because he took his eyes off Jesus and focused on the storm. The next time you are faced with a tough situation, ask God for help. If we focus on the storm and the troubles that follow us without faith in Jesus to help us, then we too may sink. Focus on Gods power and he will assume full responsibility for the consequences of obedience. Remember the real risk is by not trusting and obeying God.

Matthew 14 vs. 24-31