I’m Trying To Keep Up With My Mind

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Are you an adult who struggles to stay focused, or it’s hard for you to sit still? Maybe you find yourself shopping impulsively, buying things that you cannot afford.  Are you forgetful or socially awkward when you are in a conversation? Is it difficult for you to remain quiet and listen?  Do you often interrupt?  Are you a procrastinator finding it hard to stay organized, resulting in problems on your job, and relationships?

Millions of adults have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but often don’t seek help. Thus, they suffer in silence because it may be embarrassing or seem socially unacceptable to admit as an adult that you have an ailment that is generally associated with rambunctious children.

Many things are available in terms of treatment for ADHD. You and your Doctor can decide the best plan for you while taking into consideration your symptoms and your lifestyle. In the meantime, there are things that you can do to lessen the effects of ADHD and to help you better manage the harmful effects of this ailment.

  1. Avoid sugar– Products with high fructose corn syrup have been shown to drive hyperactivity.
  2. Avoid foods with lots of preservatives– Studies have shown that canned, frozen, and boxed food often have many chemicals and food coloring, to preserve freshness, color, and taste. These chemicals often irritate the neurological system.
  3. Avoid caffeine– This often causes the jitters which make the feeling of anxiousness more pronounced in those who have ADHD.
  4. Increase your vitamin B6– Your B vitamins help stabilize the nervous system, which allows you to focus.
  5. Increase your activity level– Exercise, yoga, meditation, all help to alleviate stress, which in turn can decrease anxiety, and help you to focus better.
  6. Protein-rich– Increase foods, including seeds such as chia, sunflower, flax, and pumpkin seeds. These foods are tryptophan-rich; this helps to boost serotonin levels, which in turn helps to increase positive moods.

While doctors don’t know the answer to why ADHD develops, they have had positive results from making a few simple changes.