Showing 130 Result(s)

Inner Turmoil

Would it surprise you to know that your thoughts and feeling are working closely together to drive your behaviors and your emotions? Moreover, as hard as you may try the two cannot be separated. Since the mind and emotions affect a wide range of abilities and responses, mental and emotional coherence are of the utmost importance. Vision, listening ability, reaction…


Green algae often exposed to sunlight due to growing in shallow water survives an extreme and harsh environment by making astaxanthin which is a red colored antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals that would otherwise bring harm to the algae. Salmon, lobster, and crabs, often get their red color from eating these algae. Astaxanthin is a carotenoid which is a…


Also known as Chinese parsley, cilantro is the leafy green part of the plant. This herb is a powerful antioxidant because just a small amount meets the daily requirements for Vitamin A and Vitamin K. This herb also has healthy amounts of Vitamin C along with Manganese, Magnesium, and Potassium. Many consider it a superfood because of its powerful healing properties…

Are You Late Paying The Bills Again?

When you think of your largest creditor, what comes to mind is probably your mortgage, car, electric, water, and gas. I admit these things are necessary for comfort and convenience, but these things act as a bridge to the survival of something else that is much more important. Your body is the largest creditor you will ever have, and the consequences of not…


Kiwi is a small fuzzy fruit that is packed with vitamin C and potassium, it is a fruit that originated in China, but after World War II found its way to Europe and the United States. Kiwi is an example that good things do come in small packages. Eating just one of this fruit will give you an entire day’s worth of Vitamin C, and the right amount of your recommended…

Why AM I Still Hungry?

Ghrelin is a hormone produced by cells in your gastrointestinal tract when you are hungry this hormone increases, and when you are full, it decreases. This hormone also works on the brain center to increase the secretion of gastric acid and gastric mobility to prepare your stomach for food intake. Keep in mind that when you eat the foods you have chosen, it…

All Things Being Equal

There is a huge misconception about this little thing called a calorie. Some of us count calories like counting sheep, and we really don’t know what a calorie is, we know we should keep track of them if we want to lose weight. A calorie is a unit of energy, the amount of energy that it takes to raise one kilogram of water one degree Celsius. You may ask how did…

Another Wolf Sighting

Should I start my morning with a dose of High Fructose Corn Syrup? Sort of like, “the breakfast of champions,” “two peas in a pod,” or “the icing on the cake” sounds like something good for you. Except for the melodic ring of words is the only thing that’s good, outside of that, this ingredient is not your friend. This sweetener is made by breaking cornstarch…

Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common condition and can affect men and women equally, at some point in their lives. There is a difference between hair loss and balding. While hair loss can be caused by stress, hygiene, allergies, and nutrition, balding has a different component. Balding is caused by genetics and hormone metabolites that damage hair follicles that are genetically…

How To Turn Your Nose Off

Allergies can occur when your body’s immune system reacts to what it perceives is a foreign body or substance. When this happens, your immune system begins to make antibodies that target a particular irritant that your system deems as harmful. When this occurs, you may experience inflammation around your skin, your airways or even your digestive system. While…