Showing 130 Result(s)

Seeing Green

Chlorophyll is the green pigment that you see in plants. This green chlorophyll helps augment the absorption from the sun. Plants make their food by absorbing the sun’s light energy by a process called photosynthesis; not only does this process provide nutrition for the plant, but it also provides nourishment for us as well. Because the molecular structure of…

Black Seed Oil

This oil is derived from black cumin and carries many qualities; it is an antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and has antifungal and antioxidant qualities. Black cumin is a source of healthy fatty acids primarily linoleic, and linolenic acid. These omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids cannot be manufactured in the body, thus can be used as a supplement. Black cumin…

The Contrast Treatment

There are times in our lives where we get a sore throat, a backache, a sprain or other joint injury and often, we don’t know that there are home remedies that can give us great relief, the contrast treatment, otherwise known as a hot and cold treatment is just that relief you may be looking for. Heat: Increases blood flow, increases the body’s inflammatory…

A Box Of Rocks

Kidney stones are mineral and salts that form inside of your kidney. They occur as a result of your urine is so concentrated that this allows these minerals to stick together. While many stones pass without incident, when they become more significant than approximately 5 millimeters, they can be very painful. Symptoms include blood in the urine, back pain, stomach…

Come Out Of The Fog

Every organ in our body needs to be fed, without food for energy; eventually, we die, the brain is no different.  It is one of the largest and most complex organs. It is made up of 100’s of billions of cells controlling trillions of mechanisms by way of the synapse. Therefore the kind of food you decide to feed your brain becomes very important to make sure that…


Bones are necessary to maintain the structure and protect vital organs. They are composed of proteins, calcium, and collagen. As we begin to age the density of our bones can change, when this happens our bones can thin, this predisposes us to fractures and other injuries that under normal circumstances would not occur. While osteoporosis occurs in men, it happens…

Your Are Such A Heel

Do you hate to get out of bed in the morning not because its a bad day, but because you know when you put your feet to the floor, you are in for some excruciating pain?  Do you start your day with a limp, or you hate to stand up after sitting for a while because you know your heel is going to throb once you put your weight on it. It could be that you have a case…

You Are My Sunshine

While we spend much time in the day to day, the grind of work, family and other obligations, we often forget the benefits that this world offers, and one of those things is the sun and how important is it to our very survival. It is made up of mostly hydrogen and helium with trace amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon. It burns on its surface at a temperature…

Can’t Stop The Flow

Endometriosis occurs when cells that look like the cells in the lining of the inside of your uterus begin to grow outside of it. These cells can grow on your fallopian tubes and your ovaries, and when this occurs, they can result in pelvic pain — besides, prolonged and heavy bleeding during your menstrual cycles, pain during intercourse and infertility. Many women…

Will I Ever Get Up

Today we are going to address an issue that is near and dear to many a man’s hearts, and that is “Sex.” I understand that we live in a culture that has made it more acceptable to keep sex on a casual basis. However, many people still enjoy sex as a powerful way of bonding, cementing and perpetuating a relationship, thus when there is a problem in the execution…