
Excuse Me

It is tough to find someone who wants to talk about the thing called flatulence unless you are in high school, but the truth is we have all been a victim to that smelly bomb, dropped on us with little to no warning, and I refuse to pull any more fingers. The average person passes gas about 15 times a day, with that in mind, gas in the digestive tract comes from…


Eczema affects more than 30 million Americans a year, while Doctors do not know the actual cause of this skin ailment, most believe that the immune system is over-reacting to a stimulant or trigger. In most cases of eczema, dry skin presents when the skin is overly sensitive and inflamed. At times you may have areas of swelling with patches of skin that are…

It Fizzes So Good

We all have enjoyed a great soda to wash down that delicious dish we are eating, the little tingle it gives us in our throat,  the cooling effect it brings to our insides, as the sweetness fills that special place that only it can. We are in love with sodas. The average person drinks about 60 gallons of soda a year and with the average gallon of soda pop, having…


Fear is a feeling induced by a perceived danger or threat.  Its occurrence causes a change in metabolic and organ functions and ultimately a change in behavior such as fleeing, hiding, or freezing from perceived traumatic events.Is there something that you need to do, are there changes you need to make, but you are afraid. One thing is sure, if you remain paralyzed…

It’s Time To Get Off The Fence

When I was a little girl there was one thing that my Mother taught me that stuck with me, never stay on the fence, make a decision, that decision might be right, or it might be wrong but don’t just stand around wondering what to do.Have you been to your Doctor, and you are beginning to see some changes in your health, maybe your blood pressure is starting to go…

I Don’t Remember

Have you ever forgotten where you parked your car, or set your keys down, and now you can’t remember where?  Have you been at a party and been introduced to someone and five minutes later you can’t remember their name, or you are in a conversation, and you can’t retrieve the word you want to say? I admit that I had spent five minutes looking for my cell phone as I was talking on it. I also agree that when I go to the mall parking lot, I merely hold my key up…

Who’s in Charge

All the organs of the body were having a meeting, trying to decide who was the one in charge. The brain said I should be in charge because I am the one who runs the entire body’s system. The blood felt it should be in charge because it helped carry oxygen all over the body. Then the stomach thought it should be in charge because it helps to digest the food so the body can have energy. The legs spoke saying they were the most important because it was the body’s…

Grief, Something Needs To Die

Grief is a natural response to pain associated with a profound loss and sadness. Those of us who have experienced it, know it comes with sleepless nights, tears and anxiety, questions as to what we should have done differently, how we are to go on, what do we do with all the plans we made, how are we to adjust to all the changes. While death is a painful experience…

Are You Prepared?

Even with the smallest of a task, there is some level of preparation. If you are going to do your hair, the essential items needed is a comb or a brush. Unbeknownst to them, the Israelites were about to undertake a forty-year journey most of it in the desert; they were not prepared for this kind of undertaking. There was a cloud provided during the day to protect…

What Type Of Benefits Can You Expect From Adding Lemons To Your Diet?

Lemons are widely known for being some of the best ingredients to a healthy lifestyle. Even if they are not exactly sweet and yummy, they bring in front of some extraordinary health benefits that you do not want to miss. That does bring in the question though, what type of benefits can you expect from adding lemons to your diet? Your body needs lots of vitamin…