
Big Things Small Packages

Are you facing a mountain illness, are you paralyzed by the largeness of what you face, that you have just accepted that this is and will be your fate? Well look again for often there are real answers to what you face in doing the smallest of things. Partner with your physician, ask what changes you can make to lower the effects of certain illnesses and the…

Cheers To Your Stomach

Have you ever noticed that your mood often affects your stomach? There is a neurotransmitter found in our body called Serotonin. It contributes to you feeling happy and in an overall good atmosphere. It also helps with your memory and learning. Serotonin is not only found in the central nervous system; 90-95 % is located in your gut, which is known as your enteric…

Another Wolf Sighting

Should I start my morning with a dose of High Fructose Corn Syrup? Sort of like, “the breakfast of champions,” “two peas in a pod,” or “the icing on the cake” sounds like something good for you. Except for the melodic ring of words is the only thing that’s good, outside of that, this ingredient is not your friend. This sweetener is made by breaking cornstarch…

Thin Skinned

Naaman was a great man, a valiant commander, well respected in his circle, yet he suffered from a disease called leprosy. This disease is what took him to the door of Elisha whom simple sent a messenger out to tell him to go and dip in the Jordan river seven times and there he would find his cure from such a dreaded disease. While you and I have the benefit of…

Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common condition and can affect men and women equally, at some point in their lives. There is a difference between hair loss and balding. While hair loss can be caused by stress, hygiene, allergies, and nutrition, balding has a different component. Balding is caused by genetics and hormone metabolites that damage hair follicles that are genetically…

How To Turn Your Nose Off

Allergies can occur when your body’s immune system reacts to what it perceives is a foreign body or substance. When this happens, your immune system begins to make antibodies that target a particular irritant that your system deems as harmful. When this occurs, you may experience inflammation around your skin, your airways or even your digestive system. While…


When your pores become clogged as a result of oil and bacteria, the skin begins to erupt. It especially affects the face, neck, shoulders, and arms. This can often be very disconcerting for those who suffer from acne which can often lead to feelings of low self-esteem. While there is no outright cure for acne, there are some things that you can do to minimize the…

Stinking Thinking

The Israelites had a lot to be happy about; they had been delivered from 400 years of slavery; they watched the Red Sea open to allow them to cross to the other side. They saw the wheels come off the chariots of their pursuers. They saw their enemies covered up by that same sea. They drank water that poured out of a rock and led by a pillar of fire at night…

A Hammer For Your Nail

Are you embarrassed to wear sandals because you don’t like the way your toenails look? Have your nails change colors through the years and instead of them being a transparent white they are now yellow, or brown? Are your nails hard to cut because they are thick, or do you experience pain when you are wearing shoes? Chances are you may be suffering from some…


After all, we live in a world that seems dark and dismal at times, and everywhere we turn we find trouble, failing health, aging parents, college tuition, house notes, car notes, a salary that can’t keep up with the bills, children on the spectrum, a shrinking 401K and a failing marriage. To keep up with the daily grind, we form habits, as payment for our trouble,,,