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Have you ever thought about what spiritual gifts might be buried deep inside of you, waiting to get out? Although you might find some “spiritual gift tests” in various churches or on certain websites, just how accurate could they be? We all know the fruits of the Spirit are listed in Galatians 5:12 as love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Those are all tremendous gifts—I could definitely use more of them.

Fruit is the direct result of a living seed that has been planted into the ground. It grows and reaches maturity as it is cared for and nurtured. Similarly, as we spend more time with Jesus, that spiritual seed inside of us will grow stronger and stronger day by day, revealing more love, kindness, and joy to others.

So now we know how to obtain the fruits of the Spirit, what about the gifts that the Holy Spirit gives us? A few scriptures in the Bible describe spiritual gifts, such as 1 Corinthians 12. The Bible teaches us that when we become followers of Jesus and welcome the Holy Spirit into our lives, He blesses us with spiritual gifts. We should never assume that these gifts only align with our natural talents, personalities, and personal tastes. They could very well be challenging in our spiritual walk with Christ.

Have ever wondered if you are using the gifts that the Holy Spirit has given you? Or are you still searching for what your own gifts might be? Today, I challenge you to learn what gifts the Holy Spirit may have given to you. Review the questions below in private:
1. What do I enjoy doing?
2. What do I think I am good at?
3. What do other people say I am good at?
4. What things do people often thank me for?

As you write down your answers, truly give some thought to particular things you are good at or something you are passionate about. For example, I might say I love to sing, but that does not mean I can carry a tune. We may wonder why the Holy Spirit gives each of us these random gifts. But if we take time to sit back, relax the mind, and figure out what our biggest gifts are, we may begin to recognize and appreciate them more. After all, the spiritual gifts we receive share one common purpose and that is to build up the body of Christ—the church of God’s people (Ephesians 4:1-13).