Disease Fighting Vegetable Juice Recipes

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If you are looking to build up that immune system up for a healthy body, look no further, I have some great juice recipes to start your day.

Green lemonade:
2 medium size apples
1 cucumber
1 handful of spinach
1 lemon

Green Cucumber Juice:
1 cucumber
2 leaves of kale
½ inch piece of fresh ginger
A few stems of mint and parsley
1 lemon

Cruciferous Juice 1
¼ bunch broccoli or cauliflower
1 bunch kale
¼ red cabbage
2 stalks celery
½ large cucumber

Carrot Juice Delight
80cc carrot juice
1to 1 ½ green apples
2 oz beet juice (If you want less than try 1 oz.)

Tip: If you are battling with some type of Cancer:
Carrot, beet, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, mustard and collard greens, cabbage, cucumber, celery, parsley, and sprouts. These vegetables give cancer a headache so naturally, Eat Up!!! Use a variety of them when juicing and if you need a little flavor, try a lemon or orange for a slight twist. If it’s too bitter, then add an apple to sweeten it up and put a smile on your face. Either way you can’t go with the Cancer hater veggies.