Showing 104 Result(s)


Have you ever thought about what spiritual gifts might be buried deep inside of you, waiting to get out? Although you might find some “spiritual gift tests” in various churches or on certain websites, just how accurate could they be? We all know the fruits of the Spirit are listed in Galatians 5:12 as love, …

Me Me Me

When you make yourself the center of the universe, it takes a great amount of energy and skill to keep yourself, your environment, and everyone around you under control. Once you have made the decision—unconsciously or consciously—to never be hurt again, you can only accomplish it through certain methods and techniques, including addictions such as …

Old Wounds

You have taken the plunge–the two of you are becoming one. Only there is a problem that can start out as a small thing but grow like a cancer until it takes over your relationship, threatening to kill the entire thing. That problem is fear, which you carry with you when you have not addressed …

Narcissist – Part Four

At the core of every narcissist is a lie. Thus, they have no true sense of self, for they have spent their entire lives falling in love with their reflections. This self-absorption makes them incapable of loving others, because the only way you can love others is to first love yourself, and the narcissist has …

Narcissist – Part Three

While most of us wish to demonize the narcissist and write him or her off as irredeemable, especially if you have had the misfortune to live with or be raised by one, please understand that it’s our goal to offer insight into the root of all disease and not just deal with the symptoms. In …

Narcissist – Part Two

Contrary to popular belief, narcissists are not in love with themselves; they are in love with their own reflection. Thus, they are only comfortable when they make others see them as they see themselves. Being dependent on a reflection leaves the narcissist unable to judge the authenticity of the reflection or have an accurate measurement …

Narcissist – Part One

In this day and age, we hear the word “narcissist” being thrown around a great deal. Many of us think we can identify the characteristics as they appear in others, but it’s harder to spot in ourselves. We all have some areas of life where we show extreme selfishness, and the right circumstances will usually …

Everybody Has Issues – David

2 Samuel 12:9 Why then have you despised the command of the LORD by doing evil in His sight? You struck down Uriah the Hittite with the sword and took his wife as your own, for you have slain him with the sword of the Ammonites. David had humble beginnings, but he exploded on the …

Everybody Has Issues – Moses

Exodus 32:19 (NIV) When Moses approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing, his anger burned and he threw the tablets out of his hands, breaking them to pieces at the foot of the mountain. Moses was born during a tumultuous time. A new king had been installed to oversee the affairs of …

Everybody Has Issues – Noah

Genesis 9:21 (NLT) One day he drank some wine he had made, and he became drunk and lay naked inside his tent. When most of us think of biblical characters, we think they are mentioned because of the stellar, upstanding lives they lived. However, as you lean in a little closer, you begin to realize …