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John 2:9, KJV
When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was made wine, and new not whence it was: (but the servants which drew the water knew;) the governor of the feast called the bridegroom.

You can do many things with water; you can freeze it, and it becomes ice, it can be mixed with lemons and sugar and become lemon aid, vegetables can be added with seasoning for some soup, and you can add some soap, and it suddenly becomes a great cleanser. Water is an excellent enhancer with the ability to lessen the effects of many things; on its own has some pretty remarkable capabilities. When added to the body, it can clear toxins out of the kidney, lubricate dry arthritic bones, tendons, and ligaments, lower blood pressure, diminish headaches and constipation, and even thwart a looming bladder infection.  

When utilized, water can have some profound life-changing effects. Yet, there are times in our lives when we need more than an aid or enhancer; instead, we need a transformation. For water, which is two hydrogens and one oxygen, to become wine, which has acetic acid and ethyl alcohol, there had to be divine intervention.

Some things will occur in our journey of life no matter how well we use the good methods that are available to us. Things will happen that we did not plan for or foresee, and these are the times that we must speak to the only one who is able to take one thing and make it another. God understands the chemistry of every equation you are or will face in this life and having a relationship with him will provide solutions to problems that you never thought were possible to resolve, including something as simple as making water into wine.