Feed The Children

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Psalms 106 vs. 37 (NIV)
They sacrificed their sons and their daughters to false gods

Home is where the most significant lessons of life are taught. It is where we learn manners, civility, ethics, and how to navigate relationships. The home is also where we learn about food. Most of us have a happy thought that surrounds a dish our mother or father use to make. When we remember it, for just a moment, we are taken back into time, a place that may hold some of our most precious memories.

Food is powerful, it brings people to the table, it nourishes, not just our stomachs but our very souls, and if we are not careful, it can also destroy us.

Childhood obesity is at an all-time high with almost one in five children being affected, as a result of this, we are seeing children become victims of diseases at a very early age, that in years past only affected the elderly. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and a host of other ailments are sending the medical community into the full-court press as they tread into unfamiliar territory, as they treat and manage children with medications and programs they were designed wholly for adults.

This problem begs the question, what are we feeding our children, have we sacrificed the health of our children to the fast-food industry because we are too busy and too tired to cook?

It goes against all parental training to allow our children to have a big slice of cake with jellybeans and washed down with soda pop in the morning for breakfast. However, we will pour out cereal into a bowl that has more sugar than the cake, jellybeans, and soda pop combined all because it is in a beautiful package and is fortified with vitamins.

It is time we take responsibility for the health of our children and not to leave it to an industry whose only motivation is a profit. It is time to start feeding our kids foods that give life; their very future depends on it.