A Fresh Start

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Psalms 102:6 KJV

“I am like a pelican of the wilderness: I am like an owl of the desert.”

The destruction of 9/11 will forever be etched in the minds of all who were alive to see it. Up until that time, our country had lived in an atmosphere of safety, but that day, as we watched the majestic twin towers fall and witnessed the horrific loss of every precious soul from Pennsylvania to the Pentagon, we knew that things would never be the same. A friend of mine who is a flight attendant lost many of her dearest friends that day, and shortly thereafter she began to lose weight. Within a month, she was stricken with nightmares, and before the year ended, she was confined to a wheelchair, locked in a perpetual loop of visions from that day.

At some point in our lives, all of us have found ourselves sitting atop a heap of ashes. Whether through the sudden loss of a loved one, financial ruin, or a devastating diagnosis, you probably thought it was over and that you could never move past a certain devastating day. It took ten years for my friend to get out of that wheelchair, which had rendered her unable to focus on anything other than the darkness of 9/11, but with God’s help, she finally got out and allowed the sun to diminish the shadows.

As a country and as a people, we will never forget that terrible day, but if we had allowed ourselves to stay in that place of destruction, we would have never experienced the resilience and strength that comes with a new day. May you have the courage to move out of the ruins where you have been living and allow God to give you a new place that is filled with hope.