Showing 46 Result(s)

What Does Your Fruit Cost?

“You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?” –Matthew 7:16 ESV Whether you enjoy the tartness of an apple, the sweetness of a mango, or the bold flavor of a cherry, each fruit has its own unique taste and benefits. While fruit is something to be enjoyed, …

Simple Herbal Toothpaste

If you have not figured it out let me, give you a hint. I love to experiment and add my own flavor. I am convinced I get this from my mother. She never follows the recipe as instructed, she always has to add some uniqueness and spice changing the flavor or the product itself. Years …

How do you deal with your thoughts and feelings?

As an old monk and a little boy were walking through a forest, the monk pointed to four plants. The First was just beginning to peep above the ground; the Second had rooted itself pretty well; the Third was a small shrub; and the Fourth was a tree. “Pull up the first,” the monk said. …

What’s in Your Toothpaste?

The purpose of toothpaste is to brush off foods that we eat so that it does not get caught in our teeth. However, there are many harmful chemicals used to make toothpaste. Common toothpastes are made with abrasives, surfactants, binders, wetting agents, disinfectants, and antimicrobial preservatives. The surfactants, used in toothpastes contain a lot of …

Baked Oatmeal

Having a nutritious breakfast can make a difference in how we function throughout the day. My girlfriend Diane, has created a cookbook with so many healthy vegetarian/vegan dishes that will change your lifestyle for the better. This healthy baked oatmeal recipe is filled with wholesome oats, nuts, raisins, coconut and pineapple juice. Suitable for a …

I am Still Waiting

Have you ever been in a situation where you had no choice but to sit and wait on God? Maybe you’re like me, and you hate to wait. It’s easy to become impatient when you’re waiting for the doctor or dentist in the exam room or for a salesperson to finish helping a lost customer, …

Scrambled Tofu

For the past few years, I have had to change my diet to keep my disease in remission. Being a vegan can be hard if you have not planned your meals in advance. The thought of going without eggs was a struggle for me, but I had to look for an alternative. A few years …

Almond Milk

Three years ago, I decided to step out on faith and make my own milk. I must say experimenting with various types of nuts (walnut, cashew, sesame, almond) in making milk have all been trial and error for me in the beginning and it probably will be for you too if you are a vegan …

When Storms Come

“The next day, as gale-force winds continued to batter the ship, the crew began throwing the cargo overboard.” –Acts 27:18 NLT Growing up in the Midwest, I have experienced many storms. While watching them from the safety of your home can be pleasant, a storm takes on new meaning when you are outside in the …

Dead or Alive

“And as they were frightened and bowed their faces to the ground, the men said to them, ‘Why do you seek the living among the dead?’” -Luke 24:5 ESV The children of Israel had just suffered the greatest possible blow to their hopes—they witnessed the death of the very one they believed would deliver them …