Showing 14 Result(s)

The Secret To Prosperity

It does not seem possible that someone who decides to share what they have will end up having more. We all learned in first grade Math that if Susie has 3 pieces of candy, and gives one to Bobby and one to Sarah, that only leaves Susie with one piece of candy, not four pieces. This is a universal transaction that cannot be altered or denied yet imbedded in Susie’s…


The world we live in is fast-moving; every day, some new technology is released, or some new scientific measure is found, and this often keeps us feeling like we are behind and lacking, or what we have or where we are is not enough. Every day, people are leaving one thing in exchange for something new to better support their growth and newfound intellectual…

Benefits of Charcoal

Charcoal is a black form of carbon that is produced when organic material is burned with little to no air. It has many uses. It acts as a fuel source because it burns much slower than wood, and because it acts as an absorbent, many have found it to be beneficial for its medicinal qualities. The first recorded use of charcoal occurred in ancient times, as it was…

What Do You Like

In 2008, scientists in London published a study where they interviewed people who carried real hatred for someone. What was interesting in the study was that upon review of the MRI that measured brain activity, they were amazed to find that hatred lights up the exact same area of the brain that love lights up. While most of us think that we reserve the right…

Childish Things

Every day, there is a battle that plays out in most homes, it is called arguing, and if you grew up with a brother or sister who drove you crazy, you are well-aware of this tactic. Arguing occurs when two or more people cannot agree on a solution; thus, voices begin to rise as each person has decided that their perspective is the only true answer. The insanity…

The Axis Of Your Life

The Earth’s axis is an invisible line that runs from the North Pole to the South. This line allows the earth to spin as it makes its full revolution around the sun. The axis is tilted at approximately 23.4 degrees, which allows the relationship of the earth to the sun to create seasons, which are critical for plant life, air and ocean currents, migration patterns…

The Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe is a green prickly plant that grows all around the world but is native to Africa. It is able to survive in areas where there is little rainfall. While science says there is little proof of this plant’s effectiveness, this plant has found its way into many homes by way of creams, juices, or gels. The benefits of aloe vera include:Burns and minor wounds:…

Titration Point

Years ago, in my high school chemistry class, we used to do some great experiments. One that was of great interest to me was finding titration points. In this experiment, we would use a large bowl of water, along with food coloring, usually red. We would slowly add drops of red food coloring to the water. The water seemed to hold its own against the red drops…

Why Can’t We Be Friends

Your immune system is responsible for acting as a line of defense; when it detects a pathogen in the body, such as bacteria, viruses, or parasites, it will attack the offending agent but preserve the healthy cells. When the immune system is overactive, instead of protecting healthy cells, it attacks them. When there is an infection present in the body, your bone marrow produces white blood cells to fight the infection, but with autoimmune diseases, these white…

Time For A Change Of Course

This is a story that has been told for many years, and while I cannot say if there is any truth to whether it happened or not, it certainly holds a lesson that is needed now more than ever before. Two battleships had been at sea doing training maneuvers. As night came, the captain decided he would remain on the deck due to the heavy fog; as he looked out, he…

Daisy Walk Cruise
All Nations Church Presents Community Health Fair 2025