Showing 13 Result(s)


Some of the greatest stories of survival have come from those who have emerged from unimaginable places. The wilderness is an uncultivated place; there are no roads or pathways, and the brush is thick and difficult to pass through. The desert, on the other hand, is a vast place, hot and absent of greenery, shade, and life. Both can make us feel like there is no…


The responsibilities of being a king are vast and wide. Not only must a king make sure his subjects are reasonably satisfied, but he must also advance the agenda of his country by forming alliances with other countries that might help his economy and safety. Thus, those with high levels of responsibility might have a hard time falling asleep from time to time…

Old Tree New Fruit

While some diseases come upon you through no fault of your own, there is a way to maximize your life and establish an environment where, even in your old age, you have the energy to carry out the purpose and the health to enjoy the endeavors that you may choose to put your hands to. Listed below are some common denominators that scientists have found among…

A Reverse Prostitute

Since the beginning of time, the work of prostitution has been alive and well. It is a job that always has an opening, whether you are male or female. You really don’t need any experience, just a willingness to work. Generally, in this kind of work, you perform a service and, in exchange for that service, you are paid. I want to offer some food for thought:…


While many tribes were gathering to fight the Israelites, the Gibeonites were a smart and cunning people; they had heard how God had parted the Red Sea and taken down the walls of Jericho; thus they decided to approach the Israelites with worn shoes, dusty clothes, tired donkeys, moldy bread, and a little water. This was to give the appearance that they were a…

Is Everything In Order

While death can come at any age, we all know that the older we are, the less time we have remaining on this earth. With that in mind, it would be wise to make sure all our affairs are in order: Have you thrown caution to the wind when it comes to unsettled relationships in your life? Are there things that you still need to do even though you are older now?…

In A Pickle

The process of making pickles can be very involved. The first step is choosing the right cucumbers. They cannot be too ripe or have too many seeds. You must cut them to the desired size. Next, sanitize the jars and lids, bring the vinegar and seasonings to a boil, place your cucumbers in the jar, and then fill your jar with the vinegar and seasoned mix. Place…

Are You Stuck

Every year, there is a story that runs in the media about a truck that, for the lack of attention, gets stuck under a bridge. While this may seem like the end of the world for the poor trucker who has lodged his truck there, in truth, the answer can be as simple as letting the air out of the tires. Being stuck is a very frustrating experience; it means you…

Getting What You Pay For

With food prices starting to go through the roof, most of us are very conscious of the products we buy, as our food budgets are stretched thinner and thinner. These days, I have noticed that in order to make it appear that prices are not going up, some companies keep the price and packaging the same, but the amount of the product in the bag is less (more air in…

Lessons From A Dog Trainer

I have a friend who is an avid animal lover and trainer. I think of him as the dog whisperer, as he has given me great insight on the best way to acclimate our new puppy into our home, finding the best food to feed him, identifying signs that our animal is depressed, and most of all, teaching our animal to obey. Once, he shared with me that a neighbor came over…

Daisy Walk Cruise
All Nations Church Presents Community Health Fair 2025