Showing 14 Result(s)

An Apple A Day

We have all heard the saying “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away,” and while this seems to be old folklore, there is a divine truth to it. The apple appears to be the perfect fruit. This fruit is packed with nutrients, antioxidants, fiber and a safe fruit for diabetics, with the peel alone supplying 25 percent of our daily requirements. This is very important…

Elephant In The Room

When I was young, I thought I had magical powers. I knew how to make a person, or a thing disappear by closing my eyes, and it worked if my eyes remained closed. The problem was that sooner or later I had to open them and guess what, that person or thing was still there. Do you have the elephant in the room, something that you need to deal with? Something that…

A Dog’s Prayer

Many of those who lived in the Middle East of this woman’s day thought very low of dogs, believing them so impure that their presence could render your prayers void. In those days, dogs were used to purge rats from the city; they also acted as garbage disposals, keeping the city clean from all kinds of waste and unwanted things. While dogs served a clear purpose…

Where Is Your Passion

I remembered it as if were yesterday, I was sitting in a self-analysis class whereby a series of exhausting questions were asked and as a result of the answers a chart was formed which gave us a pretty good idea of what quadrant of the brain that our giftedness arose from. That day was an eye-opener for me. I realized that the work I did was draining for a reason…

Forbidden Fruit

Adam and Eve lived a good life, one that was filled with joy, purpose, and security; in other words, they had it all. They never had to wonder what the future held or if their way of life would be threatened. Imagine a life without death, disease, or disappointment. God has given you dominion and authority over every living species such as the fish, the birds…

Time For A Change

Chronic diseases – such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, and arthritis – are the leading causes of disability and death here the United States. Because heart disease, diabetes, and stroke have been directly linked to diet, those men of ancient times cried out there is D.EAT.H in the pot because death is three-fifths 0f what we eat. While the prevalence…

Pay Attention

While some events in life create times of great chaos, it is natural to respond to these events with stress and worry, but if you find that it is beginning to take over your mind and you have no control over it, then it might be time to talk to your Doctor. While it is understood that there are somethings that we have no control over, would it surprise you to…

Even Flow

If you have ever experienced pain and discomfort around the pelvic region, burning when urinating, feeling like you always must go, expel small amounts of urine, cloudy with a strong odor, it could be that you have a Urinary Tract Infection (UTI). While both men and women can have a UTI, doctors have found it is more prevalent in women due to women having a…

Feed The Children

Home is where the most significant lessons of life are taught. It is where we learn manners, civility, ethics, and how to navigate relationships. The home is also where we learn about food. Most of us have a happy thought that surrounds a dish our mother or father use to make. When we remember it, for just a moment, we are taken back into time, a place that may…

I’ve Fallen And I Can’t Get Up

I remember it well, my first grown-up fall, it was a beautiful summer day, and I thought I would take advantage of the cool breeze that had come along, so off I went, except nobody told me there was a small discrepancy in the landscape of the grass I was walking on, and down I went. I can recall those kinds of small uneven surfaces would not affect me in years…

Daisy Walk Cruise
All Nations Church Presents Community Health Fair 2025