Showing 15 Result(s)

Simple Things

Being in good health is something that we all wish to have and maintain. We are inundated with information about vitamins, enhanced waters, proteins, shakes, calories, superfoods, the list can be exhausting. Today we will discuss health from the viewpoint of something that is often overlooked, something straightforward, but has a profound effect on your health…


This plant has palm-shaped leaves and has a single white flower that is in the center. Once it matures it turns into a red berry surrounded by seeds, it is known for its bitter taste but has been used as a home remedy. When I was growing up this was the one staple in our home, as soon as a sore throat or cold would break out, so would this tea, and while I was…

The Mind Of A Child

As the story goes, a giant faced off with a child, and whoever won the battle, would mean devastating results for the other side. As a result of the fight, this was David’s moment to become a champion, his victory was not just for him, but his family, for his country. Who would have thought to go up against a giant who was almost 9 feet tall and whose armor…

The Dandelion

Every year when spring comes I look out and what do I see, a bunch of yellow weeds sprouting up in my yard, I admit when I was a child I enjoyed blowing the pollen from this flowering weed and even would decorate my chin with its bright yellow color, but now its presence only tells me it time to cut the grass again. Most people do not know that the dandelion is…

Heart Transplant

While our feelings are mighty, they can be deceitful at times, but knowledge has a way of illuminating places that have often been shrouded in darkness and ignorance, thus allowing us to make decisions with clarity and confidence, decisions that otherwise may have lead to a poor outcome had we not known. How you interact with someone has a lot to do with what…