Showing 15 Result(s)

Soy And Men

Soybeans have much power packed in their small package, filled with isoflavones, fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, B vitamins omega 3- essential fatty acids and zinc, and it has many health benefits. It has been documented that isoflavone can prevent the growth of some breast cancers and slow the growth of prostate cancer in men. It is also useful in slowing…

Priming The Pump

There is a tale of a man who had traveled a great distance.  On his journey he had run out of food and water, he came upon an old homestead that had been vacated, but there he found a pump which led to a well, on top of the pump was a bowl of water and note, it said welcome stranger. If you have found this place then I can assume you have come upon hard times…

From Fab to Flab

One of the greatest threats to men and women over the age of 50, is not what you may think; it is not a heart attack or stroke or even cancer. It is something that we often don’t think about, nor do we give it the attention that it deserves, and that is because it is something that begins to happen without your noticing. Year after year, people over the age of…

Time To Pay Up

Remember that time you were in trouble, you had no one to help you, no resources, no place to go, no options, and with no other help to be found you lifted your head to heaven and asked God to help you, not only did you ask for his help you attached a promise to it. You did this because the thing you needed was crucial to you, you did not have to put collateral on it, because in the words of God, he needs nothing from us, if he were hungry he would not tell us…

Time To Trust God

For some people, the changes that need to be made are only small ones, but for others, the changes may seem insurmountable. Regardless of the changes that need to be made, achieving good health (and maintaining it!) may best be accomplished not by “trying” to make the changes, but by “trusting” that the changes can be made. Lasting change can only come when you realize how ineffective your efforts have been to fight the disease or the habits that have brought…

I Need A New Attitude

Do you struggle with your attitude, do you spend most of your day angry, frustrated, distrustful, feeling like life is unfair, or that something is owed to you? Is it hard for you to accept the responsibility of your own choices when things don’t work out as planned, blaming others? While we have all heard the saying that attitude determines latitude, and this is mostly true, that your outlook on life can bold very well when you are faced with daunting…

Where’s The Bathroom

So you are lying awake, and your stomach is churning and gurgling with pain. Back and forth to the bathroom, you go because your butt is on fire from the intermittent, yet continuous squirts of loose bowel that flow from your rectum like hot lava fire. If only it was acceptable to scratch that small portal or put an icepack there. Why has this travesty fallen…

Can It Be That Simple

I once went to visit a friend of mine, who was an older guy. He was a confirmed bachelor, who did not like to cook; thus, he spent a great deal of money on fast food. The problem was that he had diabetes, high blood pressure, and constipation. The day I went to visit, he was miserable, he had not had a bowel movement in three days, as I looked around his house…

I Don’t Know

There is a saying that most of us were taught in middle school civics class, and that is ignorance is no excuse for breaking the law, as a citizen of the United States. You must remain knowledgeable about laws that govern; this will prevent you from paying the consequences that often come with ignorance. While many of us have paid for our ignorance with a…

I’m Trying To Keep Up With My Mind

Millions of adults have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), but often don’t seek help. Thus, they suffer in silence because it may be embarrassing or seem socially unacceptable to admit as an adult that you have an ailment that is generally associated with rambunctious children. Many things are available in terms of treatment for ADHD. You and your…

Daisy Walk Cruise
All Nations Church Presents Community Health Fair 2025