Showing 15 Result(s)

What Are You Reflecting

A picture is worth a thousand words, we say this because the world is full of portraits, whether painted, photographed or sculptured, they bear the likeness of its intended object. While the image is not the actual object, nevertheless we believe that the reflection of what we are seeing can be trusted. If your life was a picture of what image would it give…

Choosing Life

Today, I challenge you to review your life’s portfolio, for what you have invested in today has a lot to do with how you will live tomorrow. In your relationships have you decided that your selfish passions are more important than the needs of those you say you love or your health? Have you decided to throw caution to the wind, feeding on every dead and…

The Fountain Of Youth

We all heard of the fountain of youth, and how many explorers searched for this elusive oasis of water. Ponce De Leon was in search of it when he first found his way to what is now Florida. While we all would like to turn back the hands of time by bathing in a pool of water, the truth is, staying young is much like the word success, it looks a lot like hard work…

I Believe In Miracles

The latter rain occurred during the time of the vernal equinox; this is the spring rain that we depend on every year to create an atmosphere for grain to mature. We all know the saying April showers bring May flowers, but often we need rain to occur earlier than April to ensure the full growth of the thing we have planted. This is called the early rain, and it…

One Hot Momma

So, you have been waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat, you are picking up weight, you are mad or crying all the time, and you don’t know why. While every woman is different, it appears that the average age is about 51 and the symptoms vary but include, hot flashes, weight gain, mood swings, vaginal dryness, thinning of the hair, breast changes…


So, you have this thing growing on your hand or the bottom of your feet and it looks like cauliflower. Every year thousands must endure the unsightly appearance and discomfort of a wart. Warts, while unsightly are benign, they are caused by HPV which is the human papillomavirus and are contagious. Often warts are mistaken for calluses, but the difference is…

Why Do I Do That

So you have been trying to change the way you eat, and you keep coming up empty, you keep failing, and you don’t know why the cravings don’t stop. You are constantly bombarded with this overwhelming desire to sit down and eat, not just anything but something pleasant. Also, the more you desire to conquer your bad eating habits, the stronger the temptation to…

What Is The Absalom In Your Life

Absalom was King David’s favorite son, he was handsome, charming, robust, smart and possessed within himself confidence that military men admired and respected, which in time put him in a position to try and take the throne from his Father who loved and adored him. David favored this child so much that he was willing to overlook behavior that would divide and…

You Sweet Little Thing

This plant is native to the Mediterranean area and northern Africa, much like peas it comes in a pod and is a member the Fabaceae family, while it has many uses, it is often used as a substitute for chocolate. While it cannot be denied that the food industry has forever sealed the love of chocolate in our minds, from chocolate cakes to chocolate covered pretzels…

Pseudomembranous Colitis

Pseudomembranous Colitis is known as PMC; this is due to inflammation in your colon and usually is a side effect of antibiotics. The most common bacterium that causes PMC is Clostridium difficile. (C-diff). Most folks who are predisposed to this are people who have a compromised immune system as well as the elderly who may reside in nursing homes. C-diff is found…

Daisy Walk Cruise
All Nations Church Presents Community Health Fair 2025