Showing 16 Result(s)

Sweet Words

When we were children we had a song we would sing, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me,” but we all know that could not be farther from the truth. Words carry power, it can motivate a group of tired soldiers to rise and fight one more battle, and that battle carries results. Words can inspire a football team who is down by 21 points…

The Agony of De Feet

Athlete’s foot is a widespread problem that is characterized by itching, scaling, and blisters that will sometimes form on the sole of the foot or in between the toes. While athlete’s foot can be caused by many things, such as bacterial infections or contact dermatitis, the most common culprit is a fungal infection which can be contagious and if not appropriately…


We live in an ever-changing world, very fast paced and unforgiving. We are inundated with new information, badgered continuously with fearful news, and held captive to chasing a carrot that seems to stay just a few feet ahead of us. With all the things that the average person must process in this life, where do you draw your strength from. Do you have something…

Decrease Your Numbers

We live in an ever-changing world, very fast paced and unforgiving. We are inundated with new information, badgered continuously with fearful news, and held captive to chasing a carrot that seems to stay just a few feet ahead of us. With all the things that the average person must process in this life, where do you draw your strength from. Do you have something…


I used to proudly wear a shirt that said, “Don’t bother me, I have not had my coffee yet”. There is nothing like waking up to the sweet aroma of those splendid coffee beans percolating in that pot, or maybe you are a new millennial, and you love the sound of the air leaving the can as you pop open your favorite energy drink. We have all taken in our favorite…


Tears are a salty fluid full of protein, water, mucus, and oil. It is released from the lacrimal gland in the upper, outer region of your eye. Did you know that crying helps our bodies get rid of toxins? While many believe tears are a sign of weakness, it is indeed a sign of wisdom, because it helps to reduce stress immediately. In fact, in one study scientist…

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Disease Of Kings

Gout is an ailment that is known in many circles as the “Disease of Kings,” in times past it was often associated with wealthy men who spend too much time eating and drinking, and it is one that can be avoided entirely in most cases, just by changing what you eat. Gout is inflammatory arthritis that occurs when there is a buildup of uric acid in the body. When we…

Removing the Guilt

Are there toxic people in your life, and their very presence keeps you constantly in doubt and fear, always in survival mode. Their thundering disturbs your peace, their lightning bolts shock your heart. Their rocking keeps you dizzy and disorientated, are you enabling someone, constantly rowing your boat fighting the winds and waves, because you think there is…

Prostate Cancer

The prostate is a small walnut-shaped gland in men that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transport the sperm. Prostate cancer begins when there is a mutation in abnormal cells DNA, this causes abnormal cells to start to outgrow normal cells, these abnormal cells then form a tumor and can begin to invade other areas of healthy tissue. While this cancer…

Daisy Walk Cruise
All Nations Church Presents Community Health Fair 2025