Showing 175 Result(s)

Pearls For A Pig

Is there something you need to do that you keep putting it off? Have you wanted to change your habits because you know some things are not good for you? Has your doctor spoken to you several times about your lab work, but you have decided you are going to live your life the way you want? There is a saying that the best experience you can ever have is the one…

Gotta Go

One minute you are writing your name in the snow, the next, you’re just hoping for a decent stream. Every year millions of men struggle in the bathroom; the symptoms include increased frequency, feeling like you have not voided fully, difficulty with urination, and more night trips to the bathroom. If these are your symptoms, then you may have an enlarged prostate…

Falling Into God’s Hands

Have you ever noticed that there is an imitation for everything that God makes? In exchange for fruit, we have candy; in exchange for water, we have all kinds of beverages, and for vegetables, we have all kinds of veggie chips, while grains have been pressed into sweet cereals.  When David messed up, he was smart enough to know not to fall into man’s hands for…

Gum Disease

As with any kind of plant, if you want it to be healthier, then the soil that it grows from should have all the proper nutrients. Our teeth are the first and most important part of digestion, serving to grind food up and prepare it for the digestive system to extract nutrients. When the teeth are not healthy, this places an extra burden on the digestive system…

I Can See Cleary Now

While glasses are a fashion statement for many, for me, they were a necessity, and I grew up in a time when there was pretty much one style available, the pointed glasses that looked like cat’s eyes.  It’s needless to say my high school dating drought was sealed by those glasses.  I grew to hate wearing glasses so much that once I decided not to wear them and…


Mentha spicata, or spearmint, is a very aromatic plant first grown in the Mediterranean. Its bright green color, pointed leaves, and lavender flowers distinguish it from other mint plants. The active ingredients in spearmint are Mint L-Carvone and Limonene, with the leaves being used for its menthol and flavonoid. The medicinal uses of spearmint have made it a…


Our lives are like a puzzle; each piece must fit perfectly in its proper place. Every day we are bombarded by the stresses of life, and they usually manifest in areas of relationships, money, family, health, or our careers. If you can manage all these areas, then you have found what most of us are looking for, and that is harmony. However, if these areas of…

Pie Hole

Of the many reasons to guard your mouth, the words that come out of it is among the most important. However, what goes into our mouths, namely the foods, matters just as much. As the smallest unit of life in the body, cells determine the health of the tissues, muscles, organs, and systems that they comprise.  Nowadays the body’s cells are starting to do what we…

Time Will Tell

Heart disease and cancer have become far more prevalent in the last hundred years than in biblical times, and it’s largely due to the society we live in. An abundance of junk or unhealthy food and sedentary lifestyles both contribute greatly to cancer and heart disease. In biblical times, people were much more active, and the foods they ate weren’t filled with…

Let Go Of The Peanuts

There is a story about how villagers in Thailand handled a problem with monkeys that had become so numerous that they began to overrun the community with chaos, stealing food and destroying crops. Monkeys love peanuts, so it was decided that peanuts would be placed in something big enough for the monkeys to get their hands in to grab peanuts but would not allow…